Twinkling lights, sparkling baubles, and the scent of pine—Christmas decorations capture the magic of the festive season. But did you know that they can also reveal your perfect European holiday destination? Indulge in a little holiday spirit, pick your favorite yuletide adornments, and we’ll unveil where in Europe you could be sipping mulled wine and wandering through enchanting Christmas markets.

Let’s deck the halls and discover your holiday travel destiny!

Choose Your Favorite Christmas Decorations and We'll Tell You Where to Celebrate the Holidays in Europe
What kind of Christmas tree appeals to you the most?
Choose your favorite lights from this group:
What kind of wreath would you hang on your front door?
Pick the Christmas market scene you're most drawn to:
What style of ornaments do you prefer?

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Featured image by Cris DiNoto on Unsplash

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