
Hate layovers?

I get it—the amount of time you spend hurrying through security checks, waiting in lines, rushing between gates, sitting in cramped airplane seats, breathing recycled air, witnessing questionable behavior from fellow passengers…it’s a lot, even if you have a direct flight. And if you have a layover, you get to wait to get off the plane, wait in limbo, then wait to get onto another one.

But it doesn’t have to be all bad!

I spent many years taking multiple domestic and international flights each month, and have become a bit of a pro with layovers both long and short. Small layovers are a great way to stretch your legs, get some healthy food in you, and check messages—but what if you have a few hours to burn between flights? There’s actually a ton you can do to fill your time and make it an enjoyable albeit short stay in your layover city.

Here are my favorite tips to make the most of a layover!

Take a Quick City Tour

Many airports offer quick tours of nearby landmarks if your layover is long enough. Use the opportunity to see something new—even a couple of hours is enough to snap a few photos, grab a souvenir, and get a taste of the city’s vibe. Plus, it’s way more exciting than scrolling on your phone and staring at the departure board for hours. Just keep an eye on the time so you don’t miss your flight!

Try Local Foods

16 Best Ways to Turn a Layover into an Adventure - Food Truck - Frayed Passport

Food trucks are perfect for a quick, local bite! Photo by Isaac Benhesed on Unsplash.

Head to a popular nearby restaurant or food market to try authentic local dishes instead of settling for overpriced, underwhelming airport food. Why settle for a soggy sandwich when you could indulge in fresh sushi in Tokyo or savor street tacos in Mexico City? You’ll enjoy a great meal and get a little taste of the culture—literally.

Related: Looking for Authentic Street Food? Then You Can’t Miss These 10 Markets Around the World!

Visit a Nearby Museum or Cultural Site

Many airports are close to museums and other interesting spots, and some even have exhibits and special installations if you don’t have enough time to leave and check back in. Spend a few hours absorbing local history or art—whether a quirky art exhibit or an ancient artifact, you’ll leave with a story that’s way better than any airport nap.

Relax at an Airport Lounge

Who says layovers have to be stressful? Many lounges offer day passes with amenities like showers, food, and even massages—turn your wait into a mini spa day. Slip into a lounge, grab a drink, and let the stress of travel melt away. With plush seating, a good book, and maybe even a quick massage, you’ll be refreshed and ready for the next leg of your journey. Check the airport website before you arrive to see what lounges are available, which have day passes, and whether you’ll be able to take advantage of it—you don’t want to be unpleasantly surprised if you had your heart set on a lounge that’s fully booked or unavailable!

Try an Airport Scavenger Hunt

A fun game to play with kids or friends: create a list of unique things to find or experience within the airport, like unusual art installations or quirky shops. Turn your downtime into a game—how many hidden gems can you find before your next flight? Challenge yourself to snap pics of the weirdest statues, coolest souvenirs, and cutest traveling pets (with permission, of course!).

Check Out a Local Event

If your timing is right, see if there’s a festival, concert, or sporting event happening nearby that you can attend. Imagine your layover lining up with a local festival—suddenly, you’re not just waiting for your flight; you’re dancing in the streets, cheering at a game, or dancing to live music! It’s an unexpected bonus to your trip that’ll leave you with some great stories. And even if there’s not a major event happening, there may be an outdoor market or another community event to check out.

Take a Nature Break

16 Best Ways to Turn a Layover into an Adventure - Toronto Collage - Frayed Passport

A few pictures I took during an extended stop in Toronto.

Many airports have parks or gardens nearby, and some even have green spaces inside the building that you can visit during shorter layovers. Airports can be hectic, so escaping to a nearby park is like hitting the reset button. Breathe in some fresh air, stretch those legs, and enjoy the calm before you’re back in the hustle of travel. It’s the perfect way to clear your mind and recharge. And it really makes a difference—a few years ago I had an absolute nightmare itinerary with delays and an eventually canceled flight from Toronto (the third leg of that trip, blah). Rather than fuming and holing up in my airport hotel room, I got up early to explore some parts of the city and absolutely adored it! I boarded my next flight totally refreshed and sunny rather than aggravated and tired.

Related: What It’s Like to be an Introverted Digital Nomad

Join a Local Walking Tour

Pretty much every large city offers guided walking tours of interesting and historically significant neighborhoods. It’s a great way to stretch your legs and learn something new. Why not turn your layover into a mini history lesson or a foodie tour? With a local guide showing you the sights, you’ll discover exciting spots and local secrets that you’d never find on your own. Plus, it’s a great way to burn off some of those in-flight snacks!

Visit an Aviation Museum

Some airports have aviation museums on-site or nearby. Get a closer look at the history and technology behind the planes you’re flying on. Ever wonder what it’s like to sit in the cockpit of a vintage aircraft or how they built the first jet? Aviation museums are full of fascinating exhibits that’ll make you appreciate your next flight even more.

Explore Airport Art Exhibits

16 Best Ways to Turn a Layover into an Adventure - Singapore Airport - Frayed Passport

Artsy green spaces like this one at Changi Airport, Singapore are a great spot to hang out. Photo by Victor He on Unsplash.

Lots of airports have rotating art exhibits featuring local artists. Take a self-guided tour and enjoy some fascinating sculptures, paintings, and other installations. It’s a beautiful way to enjoy local flair, even if you have a short time between flights. Wander through the exhibits, snap photos, and discover a new favorite artist.

Try a Fitness Class

Find a nearby yoga or fitness studio that offers drop-in classes to refresh and energize before your next flight. If sitting for hours on end has you feeling stiff, why not stretch it out with a quick yoga session or a high-energy fitness class? You’ll shake off the travel fatigue, get those endorphins pumping, and board your next flight feeling incredible.

Go on a Shopping Spree

Explore local shops or markets for unique souvenirs or gifts you can’t find at home. Skip the usual duty-free and hunt down something special at a local market or boutique. Whether it’s handmade jewelry, a quirky keepsake, or something delicious to snack on later, you’ll bring home a piece of the city that’s way cooler than a standard airport trinket.

Hit the Beach or a Nearby Lake

If you’re in a coastal or lakefront city, spend some time relaxing by the water before heading back to the airport. Is there anything better than chilling by the water during a layover? Whether you go for a quick dip in the ocean or enjoy the sun, it’s a perfect way to unwind and enjoy a little mini-vacation within your trip. Just remember to pack your swimsuit in your carry-on!

Catch a Movie

Sitting for even more hours? Not for everyone, but hey, there could be something fun playing at the theater, and you can at least spread out a bit in those seats while munching on movie theater popcorn! Or if there’s a live show that you have some time to catch, it could make for a super fun story later—I caught War Horse on a whim in Auckland and it was an absolute blast.

Take a Photography Walk

Bring your camera or smartphone and capture the sights of the airport or surrounding area, focusing on unique architecture or street scenes. Airports themselves can be surprisingly photogenic if you know where to look. Take a stroll and capture the architecture, crowds, or even some artsy shots of your coffee cup.

Visit a Rooftop Bar

If there’s one nearby, enjoy a drink with a view before heading back to catch your flight. What better way to watch the planes come and go than from a rooftop bar with a cocktail in hand? It’s the perfect way to toast to your travels, enjoy some fresh air, and maybe even make a few new friends before you head back to the terminal. Cheers to layover adventures!

Over to you! What are your favorite ways to pass the time during a long layover? Share your stories and advice with the Frayed Passport community!

About the Author

As the editor-in-chief of Frayed Passport, my goal is to help you build a lifestyle that lets you travel the world whenever you want and however long you want, and not worry about where your next paycheck will come from. I've been to 20+ countries and five continents, lived for years as a full-time digital nomad, and have worked completely remotely since 2015. If you would like to share your story with our community, or partner with Frayed Passport, get in touch with me at!

Featured image by Nopparuj Lamaikul on Unsplash

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