
That pre-trip rush—packing, double-checking reservations, and daydreaming about your first meal in a new place—can make it easy to ignore what you’re leaving behind. But here’s the reality: nothing kills that post-vacation bliss faster than walking into a mess of dirty dishes, stale air, and forgotten laundry!

Here are a few simple steps to help secure your home and belongings before travel.

Declutter and Clean Properly

The goal here isn’t perfection but rather to make your post-travel return feel effortless. Here’s how to make your house fresh and inviting:

  • Kitchen: Wash and put away dishes, clear out perishables from the fridge, and take out the trash. You don’t want to be greeted by the smell of rotting food first thing when you walk in the door!
  • Laundry: Do a final load of clothes and towels so you don’t have laundry piled up right after your trip.
  • Living spaces: Tidy up clutter, wipe down counters, and clear off surfaces. Even five minutes of effort can help.
  • Floors: A quick sweep or vacuum in high-traffic areas will keep dust bunnies from taking over.
  • Plants: Check for standing water in your plant trays, which can fester, attract flies, and kill your houseplants. Consider getting an automatic plant mister if you’re leaving for a while.

The Forgotten Details That Make a Difference

These are the small but mighty steps that will make a big impact when you return:

  • Trash bins: Take out all the garbage (bathrooms, kitchen, bedrooms). You don’t want flies swarming when you get home!
  • Refrigerator and cabinets: Get rid of or freeze anything that might spoil while away. If you leave for an extended time, wipe down shelves and put in a fresh box of baking soda to absorb odors.
  • Mail and deliveries: Put a hold on mail or ask a neighbor to collect it so that you don’t have a pile of unclaimed packages or unchecked mail.
  • Thermostat adjustments: No need to waste energy—set your thermostat to an eco-friendly temp to save on utilities while you’re away.

Securing Your Home the Smart Way

A secure home means peace of mind while you’re off seeing the world. Here’s what to button up before you leave:

  • Doors and windows: Double-check basement windows, garage doors, and side entrances.
  • Alarm system: If you have one, set it before leaving. If you don’t, consider a smart security camera that lets you check in remotely.
  • Lights on timers: Instead of keeping lights on 24/7 (or turning all of them off entirely), set up smart plugs or timers to turn them on and off at realistic intervals.
  • Tell a trusted neighbor or friend: Let someone reliable know you’ll be away so they can watch for anything unusual.

Outdoor Spaces Matter Too

Your home’s exterior is just as important as the inside. A tidy outdoor area deters burglars and keeps things looking cared for while you’re away:

  • Mow the lawn: An overgrown yard signals an empty home. If you’ll be gone for a while, arrange for someone to mow it for you.
  • Clear driveways and pathways: Use a cordless leaf blower, a sturdy rake, or a power washer to quickly clean up your outdoor spaces.
  • Secure outdoor furniture: If there’s possibility of wind or storms in your area, anchor or store lightweight furniture to avoid damage.
  • Check gutters and drains: If a storm hits while you’re gone, you don’t want clogged drains turning your home into a swimming pool.

Prepping for the Perfect Homecoming

Beyond the practical checks, here are a few extra steps you can take to make your home comforting and cozy:

  • Put fresh sheets on your bed
  • Stock the pantry with a few easy meals or snacks like coffee, pasta, or frozen pizza
  • Leave a favorite book or magazine out as a welcome-home gift to yourself
  • Scented candles or plugins with a welcoming scent will help you ease back into your home life more effortlessly

Prepping your home before a trip is all about setting yourself up for a stress-free return. A little effort before you leave means you’ll walk into a home that’s clean, secure, and ready to welcome you back.

Happy travels!

Featured image by Volha Flaxeco on Unsplash

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